Monday, September 30, 2019

Origins of Psychology and Research Methods Worksheet Essay

Part I: Origins of PsychologyThe seven major perspectives in modern psychology are psychoanalytic, behaviorist, humanist, cognitive, neuroscientific/biopsychological, evolutionary, and sociocultural. Psychoanalytic: The founder of the psychoanalytic school of thought is Sigmund Freud. He believed that many psychological problems result from the conflicts that occur between â€Å"acceptable† behavior and â€Å"unacceptable† unconscious sexual or aggressive motives. His theory was called Psychoanalysis. Freud relied more on deductive reasoning rather than on rigorous research methods, hence making his approach non-scientific. Also, he laid emphasis on the importance of unconscious processes and unresolved past conflicts. Behaviorist: The founder of the behaviorist school of thought is John B. Watson. Behaviorism perspective rejected the notion of the conscious and unconscious mind, but instead focused on the importance of observation and environmental influences on behavior. This school of thought first started with the Pavlov’s â€Å"classical conditioning†, which claimed that behaviors could be learned via conditioned associations Classical conditioning is a learning that occurs by which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response (Feist, 2008, p. 449). Another famous behaviorist, B.F Skinner, believed in the concept of â€Å"operant conditioning†, which demonstrated the effect of punishment and reinforcement on behavior. For instance, He claimed that if a behavior is reinforced, it increases the chances of that behavior to be repeated. Similarly, if a behavior is followed with punishment, the chances of that behavior to repeat itself diminish. Humanist: The two major figures of the humanistic perspective are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. They believed that all individuals have the natural capacity to move towards self actualization. Also, they emphasized on the notion of free will (voluntarily chosen behavior) and self-actualization (a state of self-fulfillment) (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008). Cognitive: Cognitive psychologists are interested in investigating the  thought processes that occur in the brain. Also, they examine how the information is gathered, encoded and stored. Some of the concepts that are studied under cognitive psychology are perception, memory, imagery, concept formation, problem solving, reasoning, decision making, and language. Not only that, cognitive psychologists explain that a human mind works like a computer that sequentially takes in information(gathers), processes it( encodes), and then produces a response, hence called the information-processing approach. Neuroscientific/Biopsychological: This school of thought emphasizes on the role of biological factors on behavior. Psychologists who follow this school of thought explain behavior through the use of genetics and biological processes that occur in the brain. These psychologists combine the biological and the psychological aspects to explain behavior. Evolutionary: This school of thought examines concepts such as natural selection, adaptation, and evolution of behavior and mental processes. Evolutionary psychologists claim that an organism’s reproductive success is determined by the behavior that favors the process of natural selection (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008). Sociocultural: This school of thought emphasizes on the role of social interactions and cultural factors that influence behavior. Some factors include ethnicity, religion, occupation, and socioeconomic class and so on. Part II: Research MethodsResearch Methods MethodPurposeStrengthsWeaknessesProvide an exampleExperimentalIdentify cause and effectAllows precise control over variables and identifies cause and effectEthical concerns, practical limitations, artificiality of lab conditions, research and participant biases Manipulation and control of variablesDescriptiveObserve, collect and record data Minimizes artificiality, easier to collect data, allows description of behavior and mental processes as they occurLittle or no control over variables, cannot explain cause and effect, and researcher and participant biasesNaturalistic observation, survey, and case study. CorrelationalIdentify relationships and how well one variable predicts another. Helps clarify relationships between variables that cannot be examined by other methods and allows prediction.Researchers cannot identify cause and effectStatistical analysis of relationship between variables. Biological Identify causation as well as description and predictionShares many or all of the advantages of experimental, descriptive and correctional researchShares many or all of the disadvantages of experimental, descriptive and correctional researchStudies the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Compare and contrast: Experimental and Correlational methods. Experimental research method helps to explain cause and effect whereas the correlational method does not. An experiment comprises of an independent variable (manipulating variable), dependent variable (the variable on which the effect is examined), and experimental and control groups. Also, while conducting an experiment, the researcher must make sure that all the extraneous variables in experimental and control conditions are held constant so that it does not influence the results. Furthermore, the researcher must take into consideration errors (biases) such as experimenter bias, participant bias amongst others that could also influence the results. Also, one of the most important features of an experimental method is making sure that the sample is representative. In other words, representative sample comprises of assigning participants randomly to an experimental and control groups. This procedure of random assignment ensures that each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any particular group. Correlation method, on the other hand, does not explain cause and effect. For instance, Correlation method gives us information on whether the variables being studied are related, but it does not provide any information on which variable influence which. For example, If A and B are two variables being studied, correlation method will give us information on whether A and B are related, but it would not tell us whether A causes B or B causes A. This  method is used when researchers want to examine the relationship (Correlation) between variables. This method is analyzed using a correlation coefficient, a numerical value that specifies the degree and direction of the relationship between the two variables. Correlation coefficients range from +1.00 to -1.00, where the sign (positive or negative) denotes the direction of the correlation, and the numerical value (from 0 to +1.00 or -1.00) indicates the strength of the relationship. Both Experimental and correlation are research methods w hich are used to conduct research in psychology. Part III: The Brain Psychologists are interested in studying twins because they want to examine whether traits such as aggression, intelligence, sociability are inherited or are influenced by environment factors. To investigate such issues, the researchers conduct twin studies, as they have a high proportion of shared genes. There are two types of twins: identical and fraternal. Identical twins (monozygotic- one egg) are twins that share 100 percent of the same genes. On the other hand, fraternal twins (dizygotic- two egg) are twins that share approximately 50 percent of their genes, just like any other pair of siblings. Therefore, twin studies provide researchers with a lot of valuable information on the effects of heredity on behavior. For instance, both identical and fraternal twins share the same parents, hence the same environment. So, if heredity does influence a trait or a behavior then identical twins should be more similar than fraternal twins. Also, Researchers are interested in studying families with children who have been adopted because it also gives them valuable information on whether genetic factors play a role in behavior. For instance, if the adopted children are more similar to their biological parents then it can be inferred that heredity does play a role in influencing a trait or a behavior. If on the other hand, the adopted children does not resemble the biological family and instead is more like the adopted family then it can be inferred that environmental factors and not genetics play a role. 1.What are the functions of neurotransmitters and hormones? How do they  influence the brain and behavior?Neurotransmitters help to understand some common medical problems. For instance, some of the neurotransmitters and their functions are listed below:Serotonin has effects on mod, sleep, appetite, sensory perception, temperature regulation, pain suppression, and impulsivity. Acetylcholine (ACh) has effects on muscle action, cognitive functioning, memory, rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, emotion. Dopamine (DA) has effects on movement, attention, memory, learning, and emotion. Norepinephrine (NE) (or noradrenaline) has effects on earning, memory, dreaming, emotion, waking from sleep, eating, alertness, wakefulness, and reactions to stress. Epinephrine (or adrenaline) has effects on motional arousal, memory storage, and metabolism of glucose necessary for energy release. Hormones are used by endocrine system. Hormones help to control the body’s response to emergencies. For instance, â€Å"in times of crisis, the hypothalamus sends messages through two pathways- the neural system and the endocrine system (primarily the pituitary). The pituitary sends hormonal messages to the adrenal glands, which release release cortisol. Cortisol is a â€Å"stress hormone† that boosts energy and blood sugar levels, epinephrine (commonly called adrenaline), and norepinephrine (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008).†2.What is neuroplasticity?Neuroplasticity is at the ability of the human brain to change its structure and function as a result of usage and experience. The human brain is adaptive hence neuroplastic. For example, the neuroplasticity in brain helps us learn a foreign language. References Feist, J., & Feist, G. J. (2008) Theories of Personality (7th ed). New York: McGraw- HillJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.. (2008). Visualizing Psychology (1st ed.). NJ: Author.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Decision Support Systems

A decision support system (DSS) is a computer program which is developed with a specific purpose of analyzing business data and presenting it to users to enable them make business decisions easily. It is different with other applications because of its ability to analyze business data and it is therefore an informational application.It can therefore be used in analyzing sales figures within a given period, projecting revenue collections within a specific period of time among others.A decision support system has the ability to present information in a graphical manner for ease of understanding and it can also incorporate an expert system or artificial intelligence.A mathematical model is a Mathematical representation of some kind of reality which is used to find more details about it. Mathematical model can be used to find a solution to a decision problem and assist in planning, it can also be used to find a relationship among the input variables and establish the meaning of a particu lar set of data (Silver, 1991). Mathematical model can take the form of dynamic systems, differential equations, statistical models etc.This is a case study of Decision Support System called ACRPLAN which Bayer Cooperation installed to assists it with financial planning and budgeting. Some of the problems that the company was encountering during budgeting planning are slow budgeting process, difficulties in obtaining financial data to use in budgeting.This was a problem because all the company’s data were stored in various computers and obtaining them in all the company’s department was quite difficult. There was also inefficient in communication methods between the different departments of the company.There was no single person who could understand the whole company’s data from all the departments and present it to the budgeting personnel to assist with budgeting purposes. The company was also faced with another problem of generating several budgets hence creat ing redundant data during budget generation. These most of the redundant data occupied the company’s resources and were never used.The management of the company was also faced with another problem of lack of sufficient data for decision making. The budgeting process was tedious and time consuming so the managers had to wait for all the company’s data to be gathered and the budget be drawn.The company was previously using excel worksheets which required manual input of data and this process increased the company’s budgeting costs since it had to hire data entry clerks to enter data to the excel worksheets. The excel worksheet was sophisticated and required a lot of training.The company was growing at a very high rate and this was creating problems to the budgeting team because they could not accommodate all the requirements of the extraordinary growth of the company. The other problem was integrating the company’s business processes and the planning proces s which were increasingly becoming complicated (Gachet, 2004).The volume of data that the company was generating was also high and analyzing this data for financial planning purposes was quite difficult. Most of the company’s personnel were doctors, sales people, and research scientist who had little knowledge of financial planning and budgeting.This created problems because the company’s financial data was quite complex and the company had to hire a financial expert to analyze the data and generate the company’s budget.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Consolidation of Financial Statements Research Paper

Consolidation of Financial Statements - Research Paper Example This paper seeks to analyze how the acquisition method compares with the earlier two methods in consolidation of financial statements, its impact on financial statement reporting quality, potential Impact on decision making and International implications of consolidation of financial statements. The paper also discussed the differences between the standards of IFRS and GAAP in respect of consolidation of financial statements with a view to resolve the differences for enhancing uniformity, comparability and transparency in consolidation of financial statements. Acquisition Method Primarily there are two types of treatment under this method. In the first one, the investor acquires assets (and often liabilities) and investee goes out of business and the investor continues to do the business with the controlling interest. The investee company becomes a subsidiary and the stock of investee is shown as investment in the investor’s books of accounts. This process involves accounting for the fair value of the company acquired by ascertaining fair value of the assets and liabilities including contingencies based on risks associated as well as the consideration in line with the international standards. If the consideration is not equal to fair value either it is treated as good will where consideration exceeds fair value or as gain on acquisition where the consideration is less than the fair value. Direct costs associated with the acquisition are expensed. It may include fees payable to legal advisors, appraisers, auditing firms and investment bankers. Indirect costs of acquisition such as secretarial and managerial efforts are expensed. However, fair value is reduced by the costs associated with registration and issue of securities. In the second case, the acquired company continues to function as a separate entity without dissolution. In this case, the financial statements of such entity are considered in the accounts / financial statements of the acquired compa ny. The balances are consolidated separately without formal entries in the books of accounts. Assets with indefinite life are reviewed periodically for impairment in line with the accounting / reporting standards. How Purchase Method differs from Acquisition Method Application of fair-value principle is common to both the purchase method and the acquisition method. However, under Purchase Method transactions costs are included in the purchase price in the books of accounts of the subsidiary. The transaction costs and restructuring costs included in fair value under purchase method are considered as business expenses under acquisition method. Also, fair value is measured as on acquisition date under acquisition method. The acquisition method is based on recognition and measurement of the assets. The acquisition method takes into account non-controlling interests and contingencies, whereas purchase method ignores this aspect. Pooling of interest method The investor records investment in sub account and consolidation is outside the books of accounts by eliminating investment account and equity account in subsidiary’s accounts. Book values of the companies are simply combined together in consolidation of financial statements. Goodwill is not recorded in the books of accounts. Revenues and expenses are added together with retrospective effect. Rezaee, Z. (2001, p. 291) stated â€Å"Under the pooling of interest method: (1) carrying amounts on the books of combining entities should be carried forward; (2) no goodwill should be recognized; and (3) prior financial statements should be restated as if the combining entity had always been combined.† Acquisition method has significant improvements over this method to suit the needs of the businesses. Impact on financial stateme

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why is it unhealthy for children to grow up spending their time on Essay

Why is it unhealthy for children to grow up spending their time on electronics - Essay Example Social interaction is an important part of a child’s development, and spending too much time with electronics can cause this to be missed. The problem is that kids often play video games or watch television by themselves, which ultimately causes such problems as social isolation. In addition to this, too much time spent on electronics can cause obesity, insomnia, and bad grades at school. If kids are spending hours and hours on multimedia then they are missing out on other important activities. School is important for anyone, let alone young children, so it is important that their priorities are set straight. This is where a parent or caregiver needs to take responsibility for their child and set strict guidelines for electronics use. As mentioned above, excessive television or video gaming use can result in increased weight or a lack of sleep. As children are spending all their time playing games and not exercising, it’s only natural that they will put on more weight s imply by sitting on a couch all day. Also, sleep can reduce as too many late nights spent watching television can contribute to irregular sleeping

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Management of Info Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Management of Info Systems - Essay Example This has also increased my curiosity in environmental issues and in particular the UAE trend to becoming green (non, 1990). The aim of this study is also to sensitize investors and the general public on this new trend who will also be the beneficiaries of the project. The expected outcome of this project is to sensitize individuals and organizations on the greening initiatives and give them ways of contributing to these initiatives. The United Arabs Emirates has started its journey to go green through many initiatives. Among the initiative is the launch of â€Å"A green economy for sustainable development† by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister and Vice-President of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai in the year 2012 (Khaleg Times, 2013). UAE aims becoming a model of the new green economy in order to preserve the environment for future generations and in order to enhance the development of the country. Some of the advancement done in the UAE include; the production renewable energy and related technologies that will promote the use of clean fuel for energy production; building of green city which aims at coming up with policies that raise the efficiency of buildings and housing; and encouraging a green life against wastage (LOW, 2012). The general objective of this project is to contribute to the world’s goal of going green. This general objective can be broken down to five more specific objectives in the form of research questions that would together help in achieving the overall goal of this project. Where possible, questionnaire containing closed ended questions will be given randomly to individual. I will develop the questionnaire with the guidance of the lecturer who will review and approve the questionnaire. This review and approval is crucial because the questionnaires need to give a good picture of the institution. The intended study group is twenty people. This method will increase the uniformity of data collected which is

International Quality Management System - Practice exam Coursework

International Quality Management System - Practice exam - Coursework Example Delivering quality products and services also help in building a reputation for business, which influences the achievement of competitive advantage (Goetsch & Davis, 2013). In many cases, businesses seek to achieve accreditation from the international body that recognizes quality standards. The body gives ISO certification to businesses that meet the international quality standards, which helps in building a company’s brand and reputation. Quality is not achievable unless created, meaning that the products and services being able to achieve quality standards cannot happen by accident. The achievement of quality is a process because quality helps in the creation of value for both customers and the business. Based on this understanding, businesses have shifted from only achieving quality, but improving on this process by applying total quality management. Total quality management is a process that focuses on increasing a company’s competitive level through the constant improvement of its functions. Functions in this case include services, business processes, employees, products, and the business environment (p. 4). Total quality management also focuses on the continuously attaining customer satisfaction at the lowest costs. Quality can be achieved by improving a business’ operation characteristics, making the products be durable, reliable and the features of the product. Juran defined quality as ‘fitness for use’ and was of the belief that money was the language that is mainly used in management. Juran developed the Juran’s trilogy that had quality improvement, quality control and quality planning as the three main elements. In quality planning, Juran intimated that it is important for a business to identify its customers and their needs before embarking on the process of delivering quality (p. 10). Once these elements have been identified, a business can be able to develop products and services that can meet the needs of the customers. For this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sam 322 unit 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sam 322 unit 3 - Assignment Example Illness prevention and health encouragement campaigns are another recent event that catalyzed the growth of modern sporting. Examples of these campaigns are Healthy People, Objectives for the Nation, Healthy People 2010, and the annual Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health (Wuest and Fisette, 2012). A third recent event is the enactment of laws that encourage opportunities for both genders and disabled individuals to participate in sports and exercise science. Federal laws such as the PL 93-122 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and PL 101-336 Americans with Disabilities Act have fostered the expansion of physical education and sports today by altering the administration of inter-college sporting competitions and challenging Title IX. Since the approval of this title, active modifications in physical education lessons have been quick and efficient (Wuest and Fisette, 2012). Lastly, the revival and commercialization of the Olympics are recent events that significantly contributed to the growth of physical education. Since its revival in 1896, the Olympics have been highly politicized and commercialized to include contemporary and conventional sporting activities. Recently, the characteristics of amateur sports have evolved in the Olympics along with quick and efficient soluti ons for fairness issues (Wuest and Fisette,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflection on the Secluded Paradise in the Community Park Essay

Reflection on the Secluded Paradise in the Community Park - Essay Example In the first step, I had to garner enough information on the accessibility of the secluded paradise. Gathering this information was vital in ensuring I amassed enough information on travelling to the place. I had to search for this information since I figured a reconnaissance study would be appropriate. Therefore, finding a better route to the place would be plausible. Secondly, I searched for information about the place (Kamyab 23). I indulged the use of both primary and secondary data collection techniques. As I received loads of data, I had to sieve the data to attain the vital points. With such a drill, I was able to gather enough information. Instantaneously after amassing data from the primary and secondary sources, I had to embark on the reconnaissance study. This study gave me enough preparation for the actual visit to the place. After a couple of days, I made the official visit to the place to gather more data. I had to indulge many people in the quest for data as I was practically looking for quality data. I also had to compare the pricing and quality of services with other businesses offering the same services (Kamyab, 66). I discovered there was a minute difference in the pricing, as other businesses preferred the same pricing. After collecting information, I set on to write the essay. Since I had all the information, I faced lesser challenges. I had to encompass all the vital information in the essay, giving a stronger outlook. Though the essay had all the vital information, I had to revise several parts. For instance, I had to specify some of the prices in the park. The community park charges from $ 595 to $ 605, prior to a deposit of $ 303. With such a pricing technique, there is a reduction in cancelations.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discuss the reasons why Aung San Suu Kyis struggle for democracy in Essay

Discuss the reasons why Aung San Suu Kyis struggle for democracy in Myanmar (Burma) has been unsuccessful so far. Identify what you consider to be the most important reason - Essay Example The current rule in Myanmar is considered to be one of the most offensive and repressive reign of the world at present. Many laid their lives, properties and careers’ trying to rise against this injustice but the struggle never seemed to meet its political and poetic end. Minorities fled from the country for the fear of being dealt with biasness. People of Burma finally rose against the prevalent violence and economic mismanagement in 1988 but perhaps God had to test them a bit more. The demonstrators were targeted, dealt with brutality and even killed. Hundreds of families lost their men only to witness the ruling military junta further strengthen itself. In the sea of miseries when the sun of a new day had totally been eclipsed, one ray of hope emerged from the darkness- Aung San suu Kyi. The world’s one and only imprisoned noble peace prize winner, Ms. Suu Kyi was perhaps leading a contented life with her family, when she realized her duty to her country and its people. Ambassador of Burma in D.C called her as â€Å"ordinary housewife† but she proved herself extraordinary, the way she compromised her family and twenty years of her life for democracy in Myanmar. The walk to democracy might not have been so long, had the military junta accepted the result of 1990 general election and let the winning National League for Democracy and its secretary Suu Kyi assume the office. Instead she was put under house arrest. Fourteen out of the last twenty years of her life has been spent under house arrest where no visitation by the family members or party people has been allowed. Yet, despite being the most popular political leader in Myanmar, she had to put in much more than the required efforts. Problems faced in the way of democracy: It’s difficult to comprehend the reasons of NLD’s constant failure in its efforts to restore democracy after it had nearly cleanly swept its opposition in the general elections. In

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Entrepreneurship And Selling Essay Example for Free

Entrepreneurship And Selling Essay 1.0 Introduction There are various types of white coffee are selling in the market currently. Therefore, I would like to share about my new brand of white coffee, Fah Sin white coffee. As we all know, this industry in Malaysia is well known, with different brands such as Old Town White Coffee, Nescafe White Coffee, Ipoh White Coffee and so many others. For this product that I am about to share, is it fully owned by myself. Therefore, this is a fully sole-proprietor company. Before we go any further, let us look through the history of white coffee. White Coffee is a native product of Malaysia. Malaysia Origin White Coffee is made of well-chosen Liberica, Arabica and Robusta coffee beans and premium skim milk, processing in mild low-temperature baking and special process to remove the bitter and sour taste cause by high-temperature grilled, and minimize the caffeine, bitterness and sourness to the lowest without any additives added, outstanding aroma, gentle to stomach and retain the original color and flavor of coffee, the color is more softer than the regular coffee, light golden yellow with pure classical taste. The white coffee is a unique coffee drinks in Malaysia with about 100 years of history. White coffee doesn’t mean the color of coffee is white; it is made of well-chosen Liberica, Arabice and Robusta coffee beans, baking without caramel at direct low-temperature which takes 2.5 times longer than the high-temperature charcoal baking, and grind into coffee powder. It removes the scorch and sour taste cause by common high temperature fried and charcoal roasted, but retains the natural flavor and rich aroma of the coffee, memorable fragrant and smoothness. Gentle to stomach, do not get inflamed, low caffeine, pure mild quality, suits the requirements for modern taste of life with outstanding aroma. 2.0 General Macro Environment Elements. Entrepreneurship can be defined as the method of utilizing one’s individual creativity and inventiveness to bring in changes to an already existing business or to initiate a new business with a view to developing and expanding it and make it an economically profitable venture. To ensure that this new product could create a success and a new impact to the public, we have to study the ventures of environment assessment. The following diagram provides a clearer vision of the important parts of the assessment. As an entrepreneur, we have to look closely at the factors that is surrounding in our society, in order to achieve the target sales that we plan. The macro environments include the major forces that act not only on the firm itself, but also on its competitors and on elements in the micro-environment. The macro-environment tends to be harder to influence than does the micro-environment, but this does not mean that firms must simply remain passive; the inability to control does not imply an inability to influence. Often the macro-environment can be influenced by good public relations activities. The main elements of the macro-environment are known as PEST, which means: P – Political and Legislation. E – Economy S – Socio-Cultural T – Technology 2.1 Political and Legislation – Political factors often impact on business: recent examples are the worldwide movement towards privatization of former government-owned utilities and businesses, and the shift away from protection of workers’ rights. Firms need to be able to respond to the prevailing political climate, and adjust the marketing policy accordingly. For example, British Telecom, Deutsche Telekom and Telstra of Australia have all had to make major readjustments to their marketing approaches since being privatized, and in particular since seeing an upswing in competitive levels. Almost all the firms’ activities have been affected, from cutting the lead time between ordering and obtaining a new telephone, through to price competition in response to competitors’ cut-price long-distance and international calls. British Telecom was the UK’s fifth biggest spender on advertising during 2003. This segment is the arena in which different interest groups compete for attention and resources. This is where I can exercise my political power by obeying and adhere to the policy, legislation and regulations on how the business operates. There are 2 types of issue which we need to consider, which is the global issues and the national issues. As for my company, I will only need to observe the national issues, where taxation and regulations are more important. The reason is because the impact of taxation on business operations can reduce the cash available for business ventures to invest while some taxes are favorable to only certain business and disadvantageous to others. 2.2 Economy – Economic factors encompass such areas as the boom/bust cycle, and the growth in unemployment in some parts of the country as a result of the closing of traditional industries. Macro-economic factors deal with the management of demand in the economy; the main mechanisms governments use for this are interest rate controls, taxation policy and government expenditure. If the government increases expenditure (or reduces taxation), there will be more money in the economy and demand will rise; if taxation is increased (or expenditure cut), there will be less money for consumers to spend, so demand will shrink. Rises in interest rates tend to reduce demand, as home loans become more expensive and credit card charges rise. This factor plays a vital role in the success or failure of a new business. As an entrepreneur, we need to analyze this factor at the global, national and local levels. Meanwhile, we must also scan, monitor, forecast and assess the macroeconomic factors that can affect the new business. 2.3 Socio-Cultural – This factor consists of two major related aspects: 2.3.1 Demographic changes: It happens due to changes in the population, ethnic groups, and population structures according to age, gender, geographical location, and their income. These elements will clearly provide the data of consumers’ demand, buying power and industrial capacity. We need to assess these changes in order to identify our business opportunities. Demographic changes can have major effects on companies: the declining birth rate in most Western countries has an obvious effect on sales of baby products, but will eventually have an effect on the provision of state pensions as the retired have to be supported by an ever-shrinking number of people of working age. Likewise, changes in the ethnic composition of cities or in the population concentration (with few people living in the city centers of large cities) cause changes in the demand for local services and retailers, and (more subtly ) changes in the type of goods and services demanded. 2.3.2 Social trends: This relate to the lifestyle of a person. We also need to monitor the lifestyle changes in order to identify business opportunities. But yet, as an entrepreneur, we also need to forecast and assess the meaning of changes for our business by looking at their own self-interest. 2.4 Technology – This is also a vital factor for a new venture through product development and commercialization. Technological change happens in two forms: 2.4.1 Pure Invention: This refers to the creation of something new that is different from existing technology or product. Normally it has economic value and has no competitors at initial stages and it is often monopoly by individual. But there will be no market at the early stage. On the other hand, new inventions can create new markets and opportunities for business. For example, the invention of semiconductors created business opportunities in computers and mobile phones. 2.4.2 – Process Innovation: This refers to the s mall changes in design, product formulation and manufacturing, materials and distribution. Scanning and monitoring changes in technology are not easy tasks due to information is not easily available. 3.0 Elements of Macro Environment That Affects Our Organization. At the very beginning, we have look through all the major factors or the macro environment elements. Can we discover what the factors that might affect our new business are? We have to collect more information and data before we can launch a new product and to do researches about our country’s current situation. 3.1 -Political and Legislation: Malaysia is a peaceful country. We have no wars compared to other countries like Israel or Pakistan. We have also many types of ethnic in Malaysia, where we have malay, chinese, Indian, kadazan and so many others. Our legislation is controlled by our ruling government and we always live in peace and harmony. 3.2 -Economy: Malaysia economy is growing rapidly, with many overseas investors and also new ventures. This increased the working opportunities and the average income of a local scholar is RM 1800.00 – RM 2500.00, and therefore this will also help to increase the buying power. 3.3 -Socio-Cultural: If we look closely to the lifestyle of the working adults, we are always busy and always looking for something instant to eat or drink during in the office. Therefore, our new white coffee is very convenient and suitable for working adults as it is a 3 in 1 coffee packet. Drinking coffee also consider as a culture to working adults, to boost up their stamina while at work. 3.4 Technology: As for this white coffee, we have our very own research and development team. We are also planning to add in other herbal plants into this white coffee as an additive ingredients so that our coffee will taste better compared to other brand. Entrepreneurship, as discussed earlier, comprises of all the aspects of the new venture and the entrepreneur can face challenges from all of them. For instances, the finances for the enterprise has to be calculated, planned, accessed and distributed according to the project plan. For start-up ventures, the establishment and infrastructure costs will be high initially and an interval has to be allowed for the profits to show up in the accounts. The necessary permits, licenses and governmental procedures for starting the venture have to be procured in time for starting the production. Hiring of adequately skilled employees, building a strong sales-force, building a relationship with the consumers by getting to know their needs and satisfying these needs at a fair price, and satisfying the investors by turning into a profitable venture as soon as possible are also challenges that the entrepreneur has to learn to handle effectively and efficiently. 4.0 Micro-Economic Factors. Micro-economic factors are to do with the way people spend their incomes. As incomes have risen over the past 40 years or so, the average standard of living has risen, and spending patterns have altered drastically. The proportion of income spent on food and housing has fallen, whereas the proportion spent on entertainment and clothing has risen. Information on the economy is widely publicized, and marketers make use of this information to predict what is likely to happen to their customers and to demand for their products. Micro environment factors are factors close to a business that have a direct impact on its business operations and success. Before deciding corporate strategy businesses should carry out a full analysis of their micro environment. In this assignment, we discuss common micro environment factors. 4.1 Customers As all businesses need customers, they should be Centred (Orientated) around customers. The firms marketing plan should aim to attract and retain customers t hrough products that meets their wants and needs and excellent customer service. 4.2 Suppliers Suppliers provide businesses with the materials they need to carry out their business activities. A suppliers behavior will directly impact the business it supplies. For example if a supplier provides a poor service this could increase timescales or product quality. An increase in raw material prices will affect an organization’s Marketing Mix strategy and may even force price increases. Close supplier relationships are an effective way to remain competitive and secure quality products. 4.3 Competitors The name of the game in marketing is differentiation. Can the organization offer benefits that are better than those offered by competitors? Does the business have a unique selling point (USP)? Competitor analysis and monitoring is crucial if an organization is to maintain or improve its position within the market. If a business is unaware of its competitors activities they will find it very difficult to â€Å"beat† their competitors. The market can move v ery quickly for example through a change in trading conditions, consumer behavior or technological developments. As a business it is important to examine competitors responses to these changes so that you can maximize the impact of your response. 4.4 Financial Institutions – In Malaysia, we have SME Bank as our financial-aid. An organization, which may be either for-profit or non-profit, that takes money from clients and places it in any of a variety of investment vehicles for the benefit of both the client and the organization. SME Info provides the latest information, industry news and updates about the Small to Medium Enterprise segments in Malaysia. The portal also provides insights and latest news on government announcements, industry trends and available financing and training programmes for SMEs. Various developmental aspects for SMEs in Malaysia that the portal provides includes advisory services, financing options, training programmes, business networking and matching, and further industry events organized by the government and private sectors. SME Info is run by Bank Negara (The National Reserve Bank of Malaysia), where they play host as the Secretariat to the National SME Development Council. 4.5 Non-Government Organization – This organization could provide useful information and advices to new entrepreneurs. FOMCA Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia) For example, we have a very active consumer association in Malaysia which is known as Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang. They are a very active group which protects all the consumers in Malaysia. 4.6 Government Agencies -In Malaysia, we have many local authority that control a new establishment of a company. For example, Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM), JAKIM, and many others. Therefore, in Seremban, we need to deal with Majlis Perbandaran Seremban (MPS) in order to obtain our license. 5.0 Summary After looking at all the major criteria in order to achieve success for my new venture in this white coffee business, I am very sure that we can implement all the macro environment factors which we discussed earlier. It will not only help us to improve our sales in order to meet our sales goal, but can also expand my venture to overseas and maybe international. Therefore, we need to improve our technology, which is our Research and Development sector to produce better quality of the product. A good product will also ensure our consumer to achieve maximum satisfaction. With good impressions from our consumers, I believe our new product will gain a great impact to the society.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Short Medium And Long Term Sources Of Finance

Short Medium And Long Term Sources Of Finance There are many sources of finance, which would all provide the business with a quick source of money, which will have to be paid back. But the amount the company needs can limit them to a range of sources of finance and methods of repayment e.g. interest. The sources of finance can be split up into three types; long term, medium term and short term. Long term finance is mainly for companies who need a large sum of money, which would be difficult to be paid back, this would be used to provide start-up capital to finance the business for its whole lifespan, finance the purchase of assets with a longer life, such as buildings and provide expansion capital for large projects, such as building a new factory or taking over another business. The repayment as it is so much would be paid over a number of years rather than straight away. Medium term finance is again for high sums of money needed but not as high as long term, these usually would be used to finance the purchase of assets with a two to five year life, such as vehicles and computers, to replace an overdraft which is difficult to clear and is proving expensive and to finance a change in strategy, such as to switch marketing focus from Britain to the whole of Europe etc. But the repayment would be faster than long term, such as in a couple of years etc. Short-term finance is when a company needs money quickly for immediate things, which are temporary; the repayments are much quicker than the others. They would be used to bridge temporary finance gaps, to get through periods when cash flow is poor and to cover temporary needs for extra funds due to unexpected problems or opportunities. There are possible sources of finance, which available to a Limited company. Sources of Short-term Finance There are a number of sources of short-term finance which are listed below: 1. Trade credit 2. Bank credit Loans and advances Cash credit Overdraft Discounting of bills 3. Customers advances 4. Instalment credit 5. Loans from co-operatives 1. Trade Credit Trade credit refers to credit granted to manufactures and traders by the suppliers of raw material, finished goods, components, etc. 2. Bank Credit Commercial banks grant short-term finance to business firms which is known as bank credit. (i) Loans When a certain amount is advanced by a bank repayable after a specified period, it is known as bank loan. . (ii) Cash Credit It is an arrangement whereby banks allow the borrower to withdraw money upto a specified limit. This limit is known as cash credit limit. Initially this limit is granted for one year. This limit can be extended after review for another year. However, if the borrower still desires to continue the limit, it must be enewed after three years. (iii) Overdraft When a bank allows its depositors or account holders to withdraw money in excess of the balance in his account upto a specified limit, it is known as overdraft facility. This limit is granted purely on the basis of credit-worthiness of the borrower . (iv) Discounting of Bill Banks also advance money by discounting bills of exchange, promissory notes and hundies. When these documents are presented before the bank for discounting, banks credit the amount to cutomers account after deducting discount. 3. Customers Advances Sometimes businessmen insist on their customers to make some advance payment. It is generally asked when the value of order is quite large or things ordered are very costly. Customers advance represents a part of the payment towards price on the product (s) which will be delivered at a later date. 4. Instalment credit Instalment credit is now-a-days a popular source of finance for consumer goods like television, refrigerators as well as for industrial goods. 5. Loans from Co-operative Banks Co-operative banks are a good source to procure short-term finance. Such banks have been established at local, district and state levels. District Cooperative Banks are the federation of primary credit societies. 18.5 Merits and Demerits of Short-term Finance Short-term loans help business concerns to meet their temporary requirements of money. They do not create a heavy burden of interest on the organisation. But sometimes organisations keep away from such loans because of uncertainty and other reasons. Let us examine the merits and demerits of short-term finance. Merits of short-term finance a) Economical : Finance for short-term purposes can be arranged at a short notice and does not involve any cost of raising. The amount of interest payable is also affordable. It is, thus, relatively more economical to raise short-term finance. b) Flexibility : Loans to meet short-term financial need can be raised as and when required. These can be paid back if not required. This provides flexibility. c) No interference in management : The lenders of short-term finance cannot interfere with the management of the borrowing concern. The management retain their freedom in decision making. d) May also serve long-term purposes : Generally business firms keep on renewing short-term credit, e.g., cash credit is granted for one year but it can be extended upto 3 years with annual review. After three years it can be renewed. Thus, sources of short-term finance may sometimes provide funds for long-term purposes. Demerits of short-term finance Short-term finance suffers from a few demerits which are listed below: a) Fixed Burden : Like all borrowings interest has to be paid on short-term loans irrespective of profit or loss earned by the organisation. That is why business firms use short-term finance only for temporary purposes. b) Charge on assets : Generally short-term finance is raised on the basis of security of moveable assets. In such a case the borrowing concern cannot raise further loans against the security of these assets nor can these be sold until the loan is cleared (repaid). c) Difficulty of raising finance : When business firms suffer intermittent losses of huge amount or market demand is declining or industry is in recession, it loses its creditworthiness. In such circumstances they find it difficult to borrow from banks or other sources of short-term finance. d) Uncertainty : In cases of crisis business firms always face the uncertainty of securing funds from sources of short-term finance. If the amount of finance required is large, it is also more uncertain to get the finance. e) Legal formalities : Sometimes certain legal formalities are to be complied with for raising finance from short-term sources. If shares are to be deposited as security, then transfer deed must be prepared. Medium term finance Bank term loan This is possibly the simplest form of loans available to businesses. The average bank manager dealing with a medium sized firm and responsible to head office for the performance of the branch uses a set of well-defined criteria when making a loan. A bank loan is for a fixed amount at a fixed rate of interest. There is likely to be a demand for regular payments. The advantages of a bank term loan is that financial planning is made easier as repayments are made in regular instalments and the interest rate are often fixed, but the disadvantages are the smaller the business the higher rates paid due to presenting a higher risk of things going wrong. Long term Finance Sale of Shares This is the issuing of shares of the business to other investors who want to buy into the company. The main advantage of issuing shares is that the shareholders have limited liability if the business fails. Personal possessions are not at risk and their liability is limited to the actual capital invested. Also the capital is raised by issuing shares (which are a proportion of what the company is worth) to investors, who are encouraged to buy by the promise of receiving dividends or profits on their shares. Also shares can be sold as preference shares which offer a fixed return as profits change from year to year, according to how well the company has done. The disadvantages of selling shares are the administrative costs of issuing shares are high. Also it is difficult to estimate the market price of shares, though this problem can be avoided if tender issues them, where investors state how much they are willing to pay for them. Also the price of the shares can go up or down and shareholders may have to sell at a lower price than they bought it. Also the shares of an Ltd will have to be sold privately, which costs money and investors would might not want to invest due to the lack of hassle from buying into a Plc. Reinvested Profits This is the money that the business makes being re-invested into the business to aid its plans. The advantage of this is capital can be raised by the company reinvesting or ploughing back the profits made at the end of the year, after expenses and dividends to shareholders have been paid. The disadvantage of this is profits may be scare or non-existent, especially in times of recession. Mortgage Loans This is a loan where the lender insists on some asset of the business being tied to the repayment of the loan. In the event of bankruptcy or liquidation that lender will then have priority on the money from the sale of that asset for the repayment of the loan. The asset is always land or property. The advantage of this is capital is often supplied by pension or insurance funds for a loan over 25 30 years for buildings or land, with the asset as security. The disadvantage of this the loans are usually only given when large sums are required. Venture Capital Loans Venture capital is risk capital, usually in the forms of loan and shares as a package, to provide a significant investment in a medium or large business. The advantages of this are capital is supplied by venture capital firms who accept a certain degree of risk being inevitable. Also most venture capitalists also provide help in the form of back up management and financial expertise. Also the governments Enterprise Investment Scheme offers incentives to private investors willing to invest in unquoted companies. The disadvantages are that most venture capitalists are only interested in loans for more than  £50000 and some only consider ventures where more than  £250000 is involved, as the administration costs are not worthwhile on smaller projects. Also they charge a negotiation fee for arranging the finance and they generally expect a non controlling equity stake of 20 40% in the firms capital, as a return of their investment. Debenture Loans A debenture is a long-term loan, which does not have to be repaid until an agreed date. Debenture holders are entitled to a fixed rate of the return year and have priority over all the shareholders. The advantage of this is that individuals can supply capital to a company in the form of a long-term loan called debentures, which have to be repaid on an agreed date. These payments take priority over payments to all other shareholders. The disadvantage is that the company has to offer some security for the loan, which can be sold if the company cannot meet the payments. In the case of a fixed debenture this is a specific asset such as a building or land. (Source Advantages/Disadvantages Understanding Industry by Ian Marcousà © pg 85-86, Definitions Business Studies Pg 297 301 Susan Hammond A-Z Business Studies pg 148, 167 David Lines, Ian Marcousà © Barry Martin)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cloning: A Good Thing Essay -- Science Genetics DNA Clone Essays

Cloning: A Good Thing A growing controversy in the world today is cloning. One stance is that cloning and cloning research should be banned altogether. Another position is in support of no restrictions of cloning and that scientists should be able to test on animals if they deem it necessary. Many other views are squeezed into different gray areas on the topic. It would be beneficial to explore the methods, benefits, moral and ethical conflicts involved with human cloning to fully understand the pros of cloning. The methods of human cloning and the research that accompanies them can provide a great deal of benefits. The benefits of human cloning include important medical breakthroughs, reproduction, and morality issues. Animals and plants could be cloned to produce lifesaving medicines through the research obtained on the way to human cloning. Human cloning research could cure many incurable diseases. â€Å"Medical breakthroughs from cloning research could cure cancer and heart attacks, lead to organs for organ transplants, and a revolution in cosmetic surgery. A balding man could have grafts made of his own hair and have it transplanted onto his scalp† (Human Cloning Foundation). Human cloning technology could allow children to lead better lives than their parents did, because of medical breakthroughs. Cloning could lead to the fountain of youth. It could allow reproduction of organs so people could transplant organs and never die. Infertile couples co...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

American Attack on Omaha and Utah Beaches During D Day :: World War II History

American Attack on Omaha and Utah Beaches During D Day It was 1944, and the United States had now been an active participant in the war against Nazi Germany for almost three and a half years, nearly six years for the British. During that period occurred a string of engagements fought with ferocious determination and intensity on both sides. There is however, one day which stands out in the minds of many American servicemen more often than others. June 6, 1944, D-Day, was a day in which thousands of young American boys, who poured onto the beaches of Utah and Omaha, became men faster than they would have ever imagined possible. Little did they know of the chaos and the hell which awaited them on their arrival. Over the course of a few hours, the visions of Omaha and Utah Beaches, and the death and destruction accompanied with them formed a permanent fixation in the minds of the American Invaders. The Allied invasion of Europe began on the 6th of June 1944, and the American assault on Utah and Omaha beaches on this day played a critical ro le in the overall success of the operation. (Astor 352) An extensive plan was established for the American attack on Utah and Omaha Beaches. The plan was so in-depth, and complex, its descriptions detailed the exact arrivals of troops, armor, and other equipment needed for the invasion, and where exactly on the beach they were to land. Before the landings were to begin, the coastal German defenses had to be adequately prepped, and softened by a combination of a massive battering by United States ships, and bombing by the United States Air Force. Between the hours of 0300 and 0500 hours on the morning of June 6, over 1,000 aircraft dropped more than 5,000 tons of bombs on the German coastal defenses. As soon as the preliminary bombing was over, the American and British naval guns opened fire on the Normandy coastline (D' Este 112). A British naval officer described the incredible spectacle he witnessed that day: "Never has any coast suffered what a tortured strip of French coast suffered that morning; both the naval and air bombardments were unparalleled. Along the fifty-mile front the land was rocked by successive explosions as the shells of ships' guns tore holes in fortifications and tons of bombs rained on them from the skies. Through billowing smoke and falling debris defenders crouching in this scene of devast ations would soon discern faintly hundreds of ships and assault craft ominously closing the shore.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Organisation culture Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Organisation culture Organisation culture can be defined as the collection of relatively uniform and enduring beliefs, values, customs, traditions and practices which are shared by an organisation’s members and which are transmitted from one generation of employees to the next. One view in the field of organisation culture is the culture metaphor. A metaphor is a word or phrase applied to an object or action which it does not literally denote.1 Metaphor can be powerful means of communicating ideas and are in common use in many organisations. It asserts that culture is a mental state that has to be tolerated since it is incapable of being changed by management. It adopted a phenomenological standpoint and conceptualised culture as a ‘process of enactment’ – not as something that exists ‘out there’ separate from people, but which was actually manufactured by company employees as they interacted with one another on a daily basis within the workplace.2 In highlighting the symbolic significance of virtually every aspect of organisation life, the culture metaphor thus focuses attention on a human side of organisation that other metaphors ignore or gloss over. The culture metaphor opens the way to a reinterpretation of many traditional managerial concepts and processes. It also helps to reinterpret the nature and significance of organisation environment relations. Culture of the organisation plays a key role in determining a structure that would suit. The organisation stance towards participation and risk-taking will have an impact on the decision pertaining to number of levels and delegation of authority. Congruence between culture and structure is important. Lack of congruence can result in mixed signals across the organisation. Organisational culture is based on differences in norms and shared practices which are learned in the workplace and are considered as valid within the boundaries of a particular organisation. Therefore the efficiency of an organization structure is determined by how well it fits into the culture in which it is set. The environments affect the structures chosen by organizational decision-makers through their society’s cultural expectations. Organisational structures are designed to insure survival through social legitimacy by reflecting the surrounding culture’s values and beliefs (Birnbaum-More a... of authority here. For the most part individuals are encouraged to perform their tasks with few questions asked though important decisions are likely to be made as a result of political manoeuvring. The greatest strength of power cultures is their ability to react quickly but their success largely depends on the abilities of the person or people at the centre. In conclusion, organisational culture exercises a potent form of control over the interaction of organisational members with each other and outsiders. By supplying people with a toolbox of values, norms, and rules that tell them how to behave, organisation culture is instrumental in determining how they interpret and react to a situation. Thus, an organisation’s culture can be a source of competitive advantage. References 1. Andrew Brown.1995, ‘Organisational Culture’ Chap1, p13 2. David Buchanan & Andrzej Huczynski. 1997, ‘Organizational Behaviour’ Chap 18, p514 3. David Buchanan & Andrzej Huczynski. 1997, ‘Organizational Behaviour’ Chap 22, p681 Additional References l Gaeth Morgan. 1986 ‘Images of Organization’ 2 Laurie J Mullins. 2005 ‘Management and Organisational Behaviour’

Exegesis Paper on Luke 12:49-53

â€Å"I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. 52 For now on five in one house there will be divided, three against two and two against three; 53 They will be divided: father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. (Luke 12:49-53) â€Å"I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled (v49)! † As I read these words from this passage again, I can almost hear the urgency and emotion that was in Jesus’ voice when he spoke them. â€Å"I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled (v49)! † This is Jesus describing his mission, his purpose for entering into our world: to cast fire on the earth. Yet it had not happened yet, for with great longing in his voice, he tells his disciples, â€Å"how I wish it were already kindled (v49)! But whatever do these strange words mean? What is this fire about which Christ speaks of? How or when did he cast this fire to the earth, if he ever did? There are occasions in the Bible when fire did fall from heaven. Fire and brimstone fell from heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25) and destroyed those towns and all its inhabitants. One of the ten plagues against Egypt was fire and hail from heaven (Exodus 9:3). The prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven that incinerated soldiers sent from wi cked King Ahaziah (2 Kings 1:9-17). Lightning is sometimes described as fire from heaven in the Bible (Psalm 27:9; Psalm 144:5-6). All of these fires from God, however, were destructive fires. And it is the destructive and consuming force of fire that we usually think of when we think of fire. Does it sound like Jesus to be longing and wishing for destruction? No, the fire that Jesus came to cast on the earth is none of those fires. It is not a destructive fire. It is the fire of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures sometimes associates the Holy Spirit with fire. In the book of Revelation, the Holy Spirit is pictured as â€Å"seven lamp stands with burning flames† (Revelation 4:5). John the Baptist prophesied concerning Jesus, â€Å"I baptize you with water, but he who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire† (Luke 3:16). But do we have any Biblical evidence that Jesus ever sent the Holy Spirit from heaven in the form of fire? Yes we do and it happened on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2. 1â€Å"When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared to them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them ability (Acts 2:1-4). †Later, when Peter stood up and preached a sermon before thousands of curious onlookers, he explained to them what the tongues of fire meant, 32 â€Å"This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses. 3Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you both see and hear (Acts 2:32-33). The resurrected Jesus, ascended to the right hand of God had poured forth the Holy Spirit from heaven; he had cast the fire of the Holy Spirit to the earth. When the fire of the Spirit fell upon the apostles they were transformed; they were filled with boldness, they praised the mighty works of God in many languages, and they spoke the Word of God to the gathered people. The fire was kindled! 3000 were baptized and converted on that one day. And that kindled fire spread throughout Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). But when Jesus spoke the words of our text, the day of Pentecost was still in the distant future. Our Lord knew that before the great day of casting fire upon the earth could come, something of monumental significance had to happen first. Our Lord put it this way, â€Å"I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed (v51)! †One thing is sure. Jesus was not referring to his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist; that baptism had already happened. No, he was referring to another kind of baptism, a baptism that filled Jesus with distress as he thought about it; a baptism that he desperately wanted to be completed. He was talking about the baptism of his death and resurrection. For truly baptism is a death and resurrection. Listen to Paul in Romans 6 describe what happens when a Christian is baptized: 3â€Å"Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4). † Paul is not merely saying that baptism pictures a death and resurrection. He is saying that those who are baptized truly die with Christ, are buried with Christ, and rise again with Christ. Their sinful nature is put to death and they arise as new creations. Jesus was our ultimate sacrifice who paid the ultimate price for our sins, but it wasn’t enough for Jesus to just die on the cross. He also had to be buried and resurrect from the dead. Through the acts of his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus bought our salvation. He purchased salvation with his own blood and made it available to all who obey him. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins by dying on the cross. He went to the cross perfect and sinless. He did not deserve death. He was the only person that could make atonement for our sins. In order to make atonement, the sacrifice had to be without blemish and without sin. This is why we cannot atone for our own sins. We are born into sin. Jesus was not born into sin because God was his father. We have to identify with his death by dying to sin. We die to sin, put off the old man, by repenting of our sins and turning away from sin. We can’t kill the sinful nature. What we put to death is the control the sinful nature has over us. 12 â€Å"Therefore, do not let sin exercise dominion in your mortal bodies, to make you obey their passions. 13 No longer present your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and present your members to God as instruments of righteousness. 4 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law, but under grace (Romans 6:12-14). † Christians are not under the control of sin. We must live an overcoming life and not allow sin to work in our lives. â€Å"When then are we to say? Should we continue in sin, in order that grace may abound? 2 By no means! How can we who died to sin go on living in it? (Romans 6:1-2). †When Jesus died on the cross, He, who had no sin, paid the death penalty for our sins. Through baptism we are united, or joined with Christ in paying the death penalty for sin. We are baptized into His death, into the death penalty for sin. We, who are unable to return from death because we have sin, are joined to Christ and since Christ is sinless and was victorious over death, we, now being united with Him through baptism, are made victorious being united with Christ in His resurrection. Now if God allows us to participate in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event which occurred 2000 years ago, through baptism, it can truly be said we are saved through faith and God’s grace! Baptism can be likened to the Israelites coming up out of the land of slavery, passing through the Red Sea and entering the Promised Land. Baptism can be likened to passing through the flood of Noah. Baptism is about leaving our old sinful, worldly ways behind and taking upon our shoulders the yoke of Christ. It is about lifestyle change and dying to ourselves and doing God’s will instead of ours. Our reason and purpose for living changes after baptism. Afterward is a new way of life. Baptism is about heart, faith, total commitment, surrender, self-denial, death, resurrection, repentance, and seeking God’s mercy through Jesus Christ and the work He did on that cross on that day of infamy 2000 years ago. That is what Jesus meant by his baptism: His death and resurrection which atoned for the sins of the whole world, by which God offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe and are baptized, â€Å"he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2). But once Jesus underwent his â€Å"baptism,† then he could, and did, cast fire on the earth, that is, gave the Spirit to his church. From that day until this the fire of the Spirit has fallen on the Church, and through it, has set the unbelieving world ablaze; this raging fire has spread, bringing not destruction, but salvation to an uncountable number. There is great debate as to what this â€Å"fire† is that Jesus wants to pour upon the earth, but it is more than likely that Jesus is speaking about the coming of the kingdom of God and of the terrible judgment that faces humanity in that day. The coming day of the kingdom is not prefigured by â€Å"peace† on earth, but rather by â€Å"fire†. There is ultimately the fire of the great judicial inquest, but in the meantime, the Day of Judgment is prefigured in the fire of Jesus â€Å"baptism†, (v50), and in the fire of â€Å"division†, (v51). Jesus knows well enough now that the coming kingdom of God is realized through tribulation, and for Jesus, this means suffering and death. Jesus must himself face the wrath of God and so he sets his eyes turned toward Calvary and with determination, presses onward toward the end. Jesus' â€Å"baptism† (the word is being used figuratively here) is his suffering and death on the cross, his atoning sacrifice for sin on behalf of those who have put their trust in him for salvation. In verse 51. Jesus aligns himself with the Old Testament prophets when he reminds his listeners that the coming day of the Lord is not a day of peace, but rather, is a day of judgment, a day of apocalyptic tribulation, a day when the saved are separated from those doomed to destruction. In the present moment, this coming day is prefigured in social division, (v52-53). We know that Jesus makes much of the sign of â€Å"love†, the love of the brotherhood, but what we have here is another sign of the kingdom, the sign of division. Jesus now explains what he means by â€Å"division† and then, in (v53), supports his words by quoting Micah 7:6. â€Å"Division† was one of the commonly expected signs of the coming messianic kingdom, and so now, with the coming of Jesus the messiah, families can expect that household members will â€Å"turn against one another†. Some members of the family will stand with Jesus and others will stand against him. His coming would inevitably mean division;in other words, it did. That was one of the great reasons why the Romans hated Christianity because it tore families in two. Over and over again a man had to decide whether he loved better his friends and kin or Christ. The essence of Christianity is that loyalty to Christ has to take precedence over the dearest loyalty to Christ has to take precedence over the dearest loyalty of this earth. In other words a man must be prepared to count all things but loss for the excellence of Jesus Christ. In this Luke passage, we see Jesus pressing on toward Jerusalem and the cross, or as he calls it, his baptism. For Jesus, the cross was ever before his eyes. How different from Jewish idea of God’s King! Jesus came, not with avenging armies and flying banners, but to give his life a ransom for many. In his death, Jesus' draws us close to the â€Å"fire† of the great judicial inquest. For the present, â€Å"division† prefigures that terrible day, a division realized through the preaching of the gospel. Some accept the Spirit-inspired message, but many reject it. None-the-less, through the proclamation of the gospel the kingdom of God finds its consummation.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Disorder Analysis

â€Å"Me Myself and Irene† is a movie about a Rhode Island State Police trooper named Charlie Baileygates who has a mental disorder. The disorder that can be evidently seen in the movie almost creates the whole essence of the story. Charley Baileygates' (Jim Carrey) is found to have a Dissociative Identity Disorder or more commonly known as multiple personality. In the movie, Jim Carrey's character changes from Charley to Hank, who is the other personality, that somehow is the complete opposite of Charlie.During the course of the movie, this Dissociative Identity Disorder of Charley terrorizes his condition and his interaction with other people, especially with Irene (Renà © Zellweger). As the movie assessed Charlie's condition, it showed that this disorder was caused by the anger that has been kept inside for years due to other people who took advantage of him. Raising three African-American kids that are sons of his wife and a black dwarf limo driver, who eventually stole h is bride, Charlie accepted it but has kept this unconscious anger deep inside him.This eventually led to Hank, who is the other personality inside his brain. Hank is the rude, violent and cocky persona that is completely the opposite of Charlie.DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDERAs defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), â€Å"Dissociative Identity Disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment.†(American Psychiatric Association, 2000).The requirements of the diagnosis suggests at least two personalities consequently gaining control with regards to a person's demeanor and actions. With regards to its possible causes, epidemiology, appearance across cultures, and existence, this disorder is controversial. Interaction of several factors are c auses that lead to Dissociative Identity Disorder. Possible symptoms that suggests a demonstration of Dissociative Identity Disorder ranges with wide variations during the course of time.Symptoms that can be included are distortion or loss of subjective time, depersonalization, depression, amnesia, headaches and other body pains. People with this condition may even suffer auditory hallucinations with regards to the two personalities' discussions and might even result to misdiagnoses that may falsely conclude a psychotic issue. People with DID often display an array of indications that can match those of other mental health disorders and many physical disorders as well. Chronic and potentially disabling or fatal, patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder are prone to harming themselves.There are various treatment methods to cure this disorder such as Psychotherapy, medications and behavioral treatments. A psychiatrist or psychologist may use specially designed interviews such as t he SCID-D and personality assessment methods to evaluate an individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Integrating the personalities into a single personality is the main goal of treatments. Drug therapy can alleviate some particular symptoms but does not heal the disorder itself. Psychotherapy on the other hand is emotionally painful and difficult.In general , two or more psychotherapy meetings a week for at least 3 to 6 years are essential. Helpful also may be Hypnosis.CONCLUSIONAs seen in the movie, this condition is not actually a psychotic disorder. But despite this, there is danger among people with this condition, as seen in Charlie and Frank's battles, if not properly treated. Integrating the personalities might be hard, but keeping them in tune and coexisting might help. Psychotherapy is the best option for treatment of DID.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Determining Operating Systems and Software Applications

Determining Operating Systems and Software Applications BIS/320 Amazon has made a business of selling a variety media types while also making the reselling of the same media an attractive option. What better way to regain in part what you spent on media interests than to resell it and have money to put towards the next interest. As of 2004 Amazon began running the Linux operating system across the board. Amazon then became one of the largest and well known companies running the Linux operating system.As one of the largest ecommerce centered businesses with a large global customer base with high expectations of constant expansion. Currently, it is known that Amazon is running Linux servers â€Å"Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), had close to half-a-million servers already running on a Red Hat Linux variant (Vaughn, 2012). † At this time â€Å"Amazon has never officially said what it's running as EC2's base operating system, it's generally accepted that it's a customized ve rsion of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). (Vaughn, 2012)† In addition Amazon uses Xen hypervisor as host to the Linux system for virtual machines.Solaris; OpenSolaris; FreeBSD and NetBSD and Windows 2003 and 2008 are additional virtual machine instances. The multiple operating services that Amazon is currently using assist with meeting the high demand of users that browse and purchase from their sites. In using their cloud technology, EC2, it is also possible that not all information will be stored at any specific location, but is easily accessible to anyone within the company to access it. With Linux gaining popularity this will ultimately become beneficial to Amazon in their continual global expansion goals.Hardware are electrical mechanisms that is physically connected to your computer such as an electronic components and related gadgetry that input, process, output, and store data according to instructions encoded in computer programs or software (Kroenke, 2012). The Amazo n-to-buyer operating system is quite simple and uses a variety of input and output in comparison with various office based business. A difference will be the amount that is actually used verses an output or input device. The individual consumer at home using their computer will initiate the process by registering as a user , followed by inputting heir shipping and billing information which will be stored by the website’s servers. The consumer’s computer is considered the input device and the server is a storage device. Once a purchase has occurred the website will use the stored information to input the customer’s credit card information into a card reader which automatically debits the funds from the customer’s account. Card readers and scanners are widely used input devices (Kroenke, 2012). Most output devices are located at various individual merchants that use Amazon to sell their goods. Each having a database that show pending orders inputted through Amazon.These merchants will use their printers to document the order and locate the desired merchandise. Once the merchandise is located, information is then sent to the shipping department. Versatile shipping options like UPS, Fed Ex, or the U. S. Postal service are available and output devices will print things such as the bill of lading; the inventory of the packaged goods and the shipping labels with the previously entered customer’s shipping information on it. Once delivered, the merchandise is scanned via another input device called a barcode scanner.This information is then relayed to the merchant who reports a successful delivery to Amazon. A confirmation email will be sent to the customer confirming their transaction is complete. If desired the consumer can give their input on the Amazon experience via their home based computer. Amazon’s Founder and Chiefy Executive Office outlines the companies business objectives as: Increase Sales, promote the brand, creat e a loyal customer base and fiscal strength. By expanding each operational goal its gives a better understand on how the operating systems contribute to Amazon’s objective.Sales can be defined as making sure the customer gets what he wants, but also feeding in to the psychology of impulse buying. Impulse purchases can be promoted through an application Amazon employs, called the Dash. When conducting a search for a particular item the results of that search offer not only the item itself, but also similar items. There is also a feature that shows the customer what other customers, who have order this particular item of interest, have also purchased. Promotional brand occurred during Amazon’s Kindle was launched.In 2005 Bezos believed that â€Å"every book ever written in any language will be available (to the enduser) in less than sixty seconds†. (Bezos, 2009). The edict issued that the demarcation between Kindle, the device and Kindle the service be seamless to the enduser. In the four years that followed, sales have exceeded budgetary expectations. The e-mail feedback from customers is strongly positive with 26% of customer e-mails containing the word â€Å"love†. Amazon has positioned itself prominently on search engine sites so a pattern match of only a few letters will bring Amazon to the forefront.Amazon itself has become a search engine of sorts, which many people use for pricing items being considered for purchase. The brand has made Amazon not only a shopping site, but also a reference guide for benchmarking other purchases. Bezos defines customer loyalty as encouraging his staff to be â€Å"obsessed over our customers†. The computer applications used for tracking purchases as well as shipping allows customer service representatives to assist dissatisfied customers and get them to a satisfactory result. References Kroenke, D. M. (2012). MIS Essentials (2nd ed. ). : Pearson Education Thorp J. Feb 99), The Information Paradox, Retrieved from http://www. amazon. com/Information-Paradox-Realizing-Business-Technology/dp Vaughn, S. (2012, March 16). Amazon's EC2 cloud is made up of almost half-a-million servers. ZDNet. Retrieved from http://www. zdnet. com/blog/open-source/amazon-ec2-cloud-is-made-up-of-almost-half-a-million-linux-servers/10620 | Operating Systems| Horizontal-Market Applications| Vertical-Market Applications| One-of-a-Kind Market Applications| Example| Linnux, Eucalyptus(cloud), OpenStack(cloud),EC2 and Red Hat Linux†¦ for starters| | | | Description of how it is used| | | | |Typical user| Amazon draws its users from anyone that can operate a computer and has an internet connection. | | | | Advantages| Easy to use; large amounts of information can be accessed without incorporating mass amounts of storage on a single server with cloud technology; accessibility to data from any location with cloud technology. | | | | Disadvantages| Even though Amazon continues to hire developers b andwidth is still and issue. People lose data. With such a broad base of people with the ability to browse and purchase products it poses a security issue regarding

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Aspects of Psychology in Flannery

Psychology has been a part of literature since the beginning of its existence. Its references in the Bible which affirm that mankind is separated from the animal kingdom and also show us the normal pattern to lead an effective and rewarding Christian life are parts of psychology in the foundation of life's meaning. We see these writings as truth as we have them instilled within us at an early age when attending church and reading the bible.Psychology works the same way in every type of material one reads. One is subject to psychology and the part it plays in each of the short stories, novels or poems one reads. However one may have not be fully aware of how it affects our perception of the material. It is what keeps us interested in the story. The psychological appeal that comes with certain styles of writing and peaks the interest of the reader who is waiting to see the conclusion. As Thomas Kellogg states, â€Å"for the act of writing exemplifies to me the very essence of what it means to be human. Psychology is represented in each writing by the relationships that are created teens the authors and its readers. In Flannels O'Connor â€Å"Good Country People† her cognitive approach is easily understood, â€Å"cognitive psychology differs from other models in that it focuses on the human cognitive activity of structuring and interpreting one's world. † In this story we relate because we see Helga who believes in nothing and has seen what she believes to be evil since losing her leg. Her mind is so engrossed in negativity that she cannot get past the past.When she finally does she is left in the barn thinking to herself that she was right all along. We also see the DOD as her mother still believes in the bible and its meaning. She sees almost everyone as â€Å"good country people† or â€Å"the salt of the earth. † O'Connor uses a written psychological approach in the names of the characters. Mrs.. Freeman who works at the farm is a g ossip who freely repeats the stories she is told. Mrs.. Hopeful is theoretically a hopeful and positive person who is always accepting of people, the story suggests it is because she is a Catholic.The phrases of â€Å"Everybody is different† and â€Å"It takes all kinds to make the world† implies that she accepts and likes all kinds f people. When she says â€Å"people who looked on the bright side of things would be beautiful even if they were not† shows her positive side of thinking. Manley Pointer is just that, a man in a story with all female characters. His Manley ways seduce the immature Helga who loses herself because of a need for the affection she is lacking. â€Å"Brewer's ‘structural affect theory was the first model in discourse psychology that seriously attempted to integrate plot, agency, and emotions† into literature.This story has done Just that by having smaller parts that lead to the suspenseful end where Manley takes her artificia l leg and leave's her stranded or even the quick reference where Helga thinks he may have stood her up. That is what keeps each reader interested in the plot and makes one want to know the outcome. â€Å"The psychology of literature is therefore unique in its treatment of psychological matters because words are used to express and communicate information. † â€Å"Furthermore, writers are like psychologists in being interested in the mind, emotions and behavior. † In cautiously picking each word of the story they convey a message.In this story Mrs.. Hopeful describes her feelings for the new name of Helga for her daughter Joy. She thought â€Å"broad blank hull of a battleship,† it angered her so much that she refused to call her anything but Joy. â€Å"In the study of human nature, literature, a product of our evolved human brains, is a bountiful source of data on human desires and dispositions, drawing attention to what is really important in our lives. † This is shown in the way Helga both longs for a companion but is also a bit weary at the same time. Or how the mother is portrayed as a Christian, but cannot be proud of her daughter and the degree she received from college.When reading this story one can relate to he loneliness, happiness, lack of confidence masked by anger and utter disappointment felt by its characters. It is a truly outstanding story that shows the dynamic between the mother and her daughters, Helga and her mother, Helga and Manley as well as the mother and Mrs.. Freeman. Theses inner intricate stories can easily relate to everyday people and the trials and tribulations of society.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Print Ad Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Print Ad Analysis - Essay Example It became obvious that the drink corresponds to the character of this director- bold, outrageous, and manly so he served as literal symbol of the beverage and its most typical consumer. It is well known that consumers tend to associate themselves with those whom they see in the advertisement. Tarantino is therefore a cult figure for numerous cinema fans because he crated the image of the perfect gangster in a suit, and such life seems attractive to many. All in all, whisky is often perceived as the beverage for real men because it contains a high percentage of alcohol. So basically one can get drunk very fast with whisky that is why only those who know how to drink it right usually choose this beverage. Whisky is often served with ice and is drunk slowly in a company of good friends. Dewar`s hints with this advertisement that the beverage is for those men who value style and quality and who can choose the best in any situation. Whisky is also the type of beverage for which the age is important- the longer it is kept the better it is eventually. So Dewer`s teaches its consumers to appreciate not only status and quality but time as well. The message of the ad is clear: Tarantino is sitting in a dark room of some luxurious restaurant on a leather sofa drinking his glass of Dewar`s with ice. This image implies everything that most men probably want when they dream of status and money. The appearance of Quentin on the ad symbolizes that on this stage of recognition and success people do not need attention; they need their good old glass of whisky to savor life. The motto of the advertisement fits the overall mood â€Å"there are two types of people in this world, those who are planning to do something and those who do†. This slogan is some kind of a call for action for most men because action is the only possible way for achievement, and we, people living in the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Stakeholder analysis and scope definition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stakeholder analysis and scope definition - Essay Example In addition to these, an existing ERP system should be identified as one that would meet the reporting requirements of the top management. In the development of the GUI to suit the requirements of the organization, a website with the ability to host email or live interaction between customers and sales or order processing personnel (Martin, 2006). The project manager in this case is hired on merits and experience and, therefore, his attention is divided as other projects are underway. While the project manager is expected to dedicate full attention to the tasks of this project, other members are likely to have conflicts with the idea of him running other businesses. This creates the illusion that the time allocation to tasks would involve distributing management duties to supervisor and the project analyst. Other conflicts that would be foreseeable include the project manager’s interaction with other stakeholders such as the supervisor. The supervisor is likely to feel like a project analysis is not required as he does the daily analysis and control of tasks. Finally, the sponsor is likely to dispute budget changes in case initial estimation does not meet the project goals while the programmer is tasked with code writing tasks as hourly compensation in this case may not reflect the skills needed and the magnitude of wo rk done. Influence in the project management and planning is defined as the potential capacity that would enable each stakeholder to perform. Understanding the influence of each stakeholder will help the project manager to define the scope of the project while placing the stakeholders in their correct and suitable areas of expertise. In addition, the project would anticipate that stakeholders with different experiences and records are likely to perform with specific resources and have the ability to work under pressure and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Staying on Course to Your Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Staying on Course to Your Success - Essay Example As an adopter of ‘on course’ principles, I wish to elaborate the ‘on course’ elements and how they can be incorporated to bring positive results, and thus, success in daily activities and thoughts. For success in one’s education, he or she must be willing to perform the creation role, as opposed to the victimization role. What does this mean? Being a creator implies that one acknowledges and takes responsibility for their course of actions or thoughts. In other words, a person adopts self-responsibility as aforementioned. As an elaboration, ‘on course’s’ self responsibility as an element requires one to perceive the primary causes of their experiences and outcomes as self. This, as opposed to seeing oneself as a victim, helps in guiding the person to focus on ways of changing their course of actions to make their situations better than they currently are. Contrary to victims, creators (the self-responsible ones) do not blame extern al factors like luck, fate, or other powerful individuals as the cause of their predicaments. Applied in education, creators are able to own their dissatisfying academic results, with an optimism of revising more and discussing with their classmates in an attempt to improve their grades. Such students also identify where they could have gone wrong previously to warrant such wanting results, maybe they missed classes, or failed to consult their instructors. The outcome of such self-analysis and meditation results in creators outlining their success activities. Victims, on the other hand, will fault family problems, errors in marking and ex cetera for their diminished performances. It is ones mandate to choose whether they prefer being a creator to being a victim. My advice for those who aspire to be successful is to opt for creator roles. Many successful stories have been linked to positive self-image. This implies that for one to succeed, they must believe in themselves and posses h igh levels of self-esteem. How can this lead to a success story? Positive self-image implies that one perceive themselves worthy as individuals. This has a great impact on their attitude towards life and its challenges thus they are capable of transforming negative situations into positive ones. Often, self-esteem and mastery of self-management go hand in hand. As such, individuals with high self-esteem also know how to plan for their activities geared towards achievement of their dreams and goals. In contrast, people with low self-esteem do not consider themselves worthy individuals; instead, they doubt their personal worth as well as their competence. Such people will always doubt their ability to make their outcomes and experiences desirable, and appear frustrated and depressed. In addition, those with low self-esteem show tendencies of failing to plan effectively for their actions. Consider the cliche that ‘no man is an island’ However outdated it seems, this phrase holds true if success is to be achieved. One must develop interdependence in order to achieve their goals. This is helpful because through sharing, one learns new things, as well as teaches others what they know. As such, interdependence brings mutual benefits that are crucial in the steps towards success. In addition, forming supportive relationships brings with it the satisfaction of helping others with one‘s knowledge. That in itself helps in enhancing self-esteem, in that one will view him or herself capable of creating a positive impact in life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Main Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Main Report - Essay Example The present study also makes SWOT analysis of the topic under study keeping in view cultural factors and global phenomenon within which the industry observes significant boost during the last century. The future trends and dimensions of the industry have also come in the fold of present study. The contemporary world is the world of technological advancement and hi-tech industrialization. The invention of computer sciences, information technology, internet and mobile phones have revolutionised the world at large. The businesses in the contemporary era revolve round technological advancements and industrial expertise. It is therefore, our business plan is also related to the modern technology i.e. mobile phone PDAs. PDA refers to the personal digital assistant, which interlinks telephone, internet, fax and computers with networking characteristics. "A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone, fax sender, Web browser and personal organizer. Unlike portable computers, most PDAs began as pen-based, using a stylus rather than a keyboard for input.† (Quoted in Before entering into a business, it is an essential matter to have a comprehensive knowledge and information regarding the particular field where one is going to exercise his abilities on the one hand and allocate his energies and concentration on the other. Gates declares knowledge and information a reason, which distinguish an enterprise from its competitors and rivals. â€Å"The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competitor, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd, is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or loose.† (Gates, 1999 p 1). Strategy is an inevitable part of every corporate firm’s management plan on which all its functioning stands. All the organizations either large or small devise methods and apply techniques